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"Keep sign up!" "Very good" "We are behind you."

"Great!" "We agree" "Christians need to do what you are doing." "Continue your sign." "Thank God for you"
- Local

"It is great... what you are doing." "We have some good info for you."
- Local, Lived in Saudi Arabia

"Saw your article in New York.. Ground Zero.." "In full support of you and what you are doing."
- New York

"The mission and purpose of this website is to educate and inform all who wish to know, the truth about Islam. We have examined the Quran and the Hadith and have a duty to share the truth with the world. Our statements and reports are not given to sound hateful, spiteful or demeaning. We have scrutinized Islam's true history and motives under the light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The results of our study and the many resources we have found will be published on this website".

  The physical threat is real. Click here to view a regularly updated listing of Islamic terrorist incursions in America.

2 Timothy 3:1-7
This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
6 For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,
7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.


March 5, 2020

should be pinned to the top of this page for it provides the most recent and comprehensive accounting of the evils perpetrated by Islamic terrorists.
A March 2, 2020 article in the British The Guardian notes the recent casualties in Afghanistan since the end of the partial "reduction of violence".
A March 5, 2020 article in the Jerusalem Post notes "The Executive Director of Human Rights Watch (HRW), Ken Roth, accepted a major donation from a Saudi real estate tycoon by promising not to support advocacy of the LGBT community in the Middle East and North Africa."
An easy name to remember, https://www.thereligionofpeace.com/ is your go-to place to keep track of the treacherous miscreants.
January 5 2023 Happy New Year! Keep your eyes open and keep the faith! That would be my message as we enter the new year. Following is a thought provoking article about Christian persecution in America.

Yes, Christians are being persecuted in America. Here’s how we can respond

By William Wolfe, Op-ed contributor
to The Christian Post
July 18,2022

Despite what some may claim, Christians are being persecuted in America.

That might be hard to hear, but it’s true. Even though the United States is, arguably, the freest nation on the planet, and offers the First Amendment protection, Christians still face already-and-increasing persecution here between our shining seas.

We need to recognize this and prepare for it to get worse.

When making such a factual statement as “Christians are persecuted in America,” you will inevitably be met by a chorus of “actually, no.” This Internet-active crowd apparently refuses to call anything “persecution” until heads are rolling, stakes are burning, and the lions are digesting the remains of the faithful.

What the “actually, no they aren’t” crowd gets wrong...
Please click here to read article in its entirety

This youtube video from a 2010 panel discussion that includes Franklin Graham, also features Anjem Choudary a radical Islamist miscreant who just last year (2019) got out of jail after three years incarcerated in the U.K. As time passses a number of his toadies are also being released.


Ten years have passed, and God Bless America!, the Islamic flag has not yet flown over the White House, or the British Parliament as Choudary predicted. But we must remain vigilant and know that this evil enemy does not rest.

June 29, 2017- President Trump's executive orders attempted to protect and defend our borders and people, which, of course, is a sworn duty of the federal government. Although blocked by lower courts, the issue has made its way to the Supreme Court which confirmed that the executive order was largely in order and the safeguards can now proceed.
Click here to read what The Supremes had to say.

Read the article in the New York Times of December 4 2017, written by Adam Libtak.

March 2017- A new President and new administration have been in office less than 100 days.  How refreshing, to hear the new President talking about We the People and Our Country more than the  "I" of the previous administration.  President Trump speaks of keeping his promise to the people to protect our borders. His attempts to do so are within the constitutional responsibility of the federal government to protect and defend the American people, and enforce existing laws. The chief imports of terror were, in fact, designated during the LAST administration although there was little action to protect and defend the American people.

Here is the link to the President's attempt of March 6, 2017 to protect us from terrorist incursions to this country.
We can be more secure realizing that President Trump has enough wisdom and honesty to recognize and verbalize the threat of radical Islam and to take concrete steps to end the threat.

This paragraph will end as it began.

The physical threat is real. Click here to view a regularly updated listing of Islamic terrorist incursions in America. Ignore it at risk to your loved ones and your liberty.

Recently, May 2015, one of the messages on the weekly changing marquee in front of the church, brought about a great deal of feedback from a wide spectrum of people. Although there was quite a release of venom in our direction, there was also a heartening amount of support from those who have considered and understood the message. Please click here to read the church's press release of May 9th, 2015.

Ecclesiastes 1:9 "The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun."

An item from UK's Independent on February 19, 2015 was posted on this website.   It noted the recent onslaught from the  Islamic State (IS) in the beheading of 21 Christians in Libya. The Brits were well aware that the mayhem was now "on the doorstep of Europe."
Does history repeat itself? Is this movement a continuing "progression" of what has been going on for thousands of years? Click here to listen and watch  this five minute youtube presentation from Bill Warner, Ph.D. You'll appreciate the clarity of his maps and his thoughts. Find more informative youtube videos from Dr Warner, by googling  "Bill Warner, Ph.D." He will increase your understanding of current affairs.

ISIS beheading of Coptic Christians on Libyan beach brings Islamists to the doorstep of Europe

United Kingdom
The Independent,
Thursday 19 Feb 2015

The beheading of 21 Coptic Christians on a beach in Libya has brought ISIS to the doorstep of Europe.

Click here to read more of article

Adolph Hitler said, "When an opponent declares, "I will not come over to your side," I calmly say, "Your child belongs to us already... What are you? You will pass on. Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing else but this new community."

Brigitte Gabriel, the Founder of ACT! for America is a knowledgeable voice about the influence of Islam in our government, and thusly our educational system. She is the canary in the coal mine warning us of the autocratic threat to Western civilization. By being aware and becoming proactive to stem the insideous creep of oppression, we can stop this enemy of freedom. Please take 15 minutes and learn how our children are being indoctrinated in our public schools with your tax dollars. Click here to watch and hear.

 A Timeless Message
 First preached about one hundred years ago by Dr RG Lee.

If you have 60 minutes to listen, to PAYDAY- SOMEDAY Click here.
Or if you're a reader with time for 17 pages, Click here.
Or click here for a bit more information....
If you have six minutes, Dennis Prager offers one of the clearest explanations of Israel's situation in the Middle East. As he is quick to mention, the solution is NOT so clear. This youtube video is only 5:38 minutes long, but you may well wish to share it with someone who is still a little confused. Click here to watch.

April 24, 2014
the clarionproject.org
Tony Blair: Fighting Islamism –
 A Defining Challenge of Our Time
Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair gave a landmark speech yesterday calling on the world to unite against Islamism.

Tony Blair, the Former British Prime Minister, delivered a keynote speech at Bloomberg HQ in London entitled 'Why the Middle East Still Matters.' In it he described radical Islam as the greatest threat facing the world today.He argued "there are four reasons why the Middle East remains of central importance and cannot be relegated to the second order."

 Blair rapidly moved on to the fourth and most important reason: Islamic extremism also known as Islamism. Please click here to read more of this article and find links to the text of the speech.

 Honor Diaries is a 2013 documentary film by producer Paula Kweskin. Honor Diaries explores violence against women in honor-based societies... The film profiles nine women’s rights activists with origins in the Muslim (and non-Muslim) world, and follows their efforts to affect change, both within their communities and beyond. Honor Diaries premiered at the Chicago International Film Festival in October 2013 and won the Interfaith Award for Best Documentary at the St. Louis International Film Festival in November 2013.
Click here to view a short trailer of this movie, Honor Diaries.

April, 2014
The following youtube video entitled "Obama: False Hope, False Messiah" is a fine piece of work. There is a lot of truth condensed into a few short minutes.
You my wish to watch it soon, since it may not be available for long.
Click here to view youtube video

 February 14, 2014
The Brave German Woman

 One can recognize that sometimes well meaning people and institutions can err in the side of trying to "be nice". However the mentality of automatic acceptance and accommodation, when institutionalized, can, and has, placed free societies in peril; it is the dangerous side of "political correctness."
 Please click here to view the video of Heidi Mund, who has become known as "The Brave German Woman" for speaking the truth.

Many of us are aware of hostility toward Christians in foreign countries.
But has there even been a more Biblically-hostile administration in Washington DC, towards its own citizens? David Barton of WallBuilders doesn't think so.
After reading his list (and documentation) of the dozens of offensive hostile acts towards Bible believers in America ask yourself- how can this be?  We are a God fearing people living in a free country that was founded on the recognition that our life and liberty originates from God (NOT some person or committee which happens to be in office).
 This encroachment does not resemble actions of a government "of the People, by  the People, and for the People".  Offer a prayer for protection by our Father above. Ask Him to throw light upon the hearts and minds of those in power and those who elect some of those bureaucrats. Be vigilant and protect our children and their future.
Click here to read David Barton's December article and list.

Update: March 25, 2014:

The Clash of Law: Parsing the Modern War against Catholics, Catholicism and the Church

From CatholicCulture.org

By Dr. Jeff Mirus

March 25, 2014

A thoughtful look on the same topic from the Roman Catholic Perspective:

Please Click here to read more.

More Attacks on the Freedom of Speech,
Religious Persecution of Air Force Cadets

From The Traditional Values Coalition:

Earlier this month, an Air Force Academy cadet was forced to remove a Bible verse on his personal white board after the Military Religious Freedom Foundation claimed offense.


MRFF President Michael "Mikey" Weinstein, described the student's white board quoting of scripture as pouring "fundamentalist Christian gasoline on an already raging out-of-control conflagration of fundamentalist Christian tyranny, exceptionalism, and supremacy."


No one, especially those who volunteer to risk their lives to defend our freedoms, should be denied their constitutional rights and religious freedoms. Groups like the Military Religious Freedom Foundation are seeking to silence those who profess their faith, stripping them of their religious liberties in the name of political correctness.

Please click here to read more of article

Christians in Military Under Attack by Pentagon


Thursday, May 02, 2013

The Pentagon says soldiers can be prosecuted for sharing their faith.

Please click here to read more.


 March 14, 2013

This “Truths That Free”  section of “Ethics” has not been updated for far too long... that is not for want of material. Located in Jacksonville, Florida, in the United States, one doesn’t have to look far to find corruption, among elected or appointed officials and/or leaders or local organizations. That includes organizations with the power to arrest, detain and generally make your free life miserable.
Please Click Here To Read More

Hearing on Religious Freedom Next Week

By Peter Kirsanow

from The National Review

March 13, 2013  


The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights will hold a public hearing next week on recent developments involving the intersection of religious freedom and anti-discrimination laws. The hearing will take place on Friday March 22, at 9:30 a.m. at the Commission’s headquarters, located at 1331 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, DC.

Please click here to read more

 Benghazi Documents Reveal White House 'Specifically Warned of Imminent Attack

March 6, 2013
Jason Howerton
The Blaze

CBS News investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson on Tuesday night reported that the Obama administration has turned over documents relating to the Benghazi terrorist attack to the Senate Intelligence Committee. She made a number of revelations that don’t bode well for the White House via her official Twitter account. Please click here to read more.

Sixty Percent of US Muslims Reject Freedom of Expression

Thursday, 01 November 2012

Dr. Andrew Bostom

 After violent Muslim reactions to the amateurish “Innocence of Muslims” video, which depicted the less salutary aspects of Muhammad’s biography, international and domestic Islamic agendas have openly converged with vehement calls for universal application of Islamic blasphemy law. ...

Now the results of polling data collected by Wenzel Strategies during October 22 to 26, 2012, from 600 US Muslims, indicate widespread support among rank and file American votaries of Islam for this fundamental rejection of freedom expression, as guaranteed under the US Constitution. The first amendment states, plainly:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press;

When asked, “Do you believe that criticism of Islam or Muhammad should be permitted under the Constitution’s First Amendment?, 58% replied “no,”...
Please click here to read more

Malala Yousafzai taken to specialist hospital

Girl shot by Taliban in Pakistan remains in critical condition, and local government posts reward for attackers' capture

The Guardian, Thursday 11 October 2012

A Pakistani schoolgirl fighting for her life after being shot by Taliban gunmen has been transferred to a specialist hospital in the army garrison town of Rawalpindi.

Please click here to read more

We were pleased to host Brigitte Gabriel's presentation in Jacksonville on May 23, 2013 at Conservative Theological University.
Click here to watch a short video of April 2012 event offered in the hope that it will spur you to learn more about how you can ACT to protect our homes and culture against the threat of radical Islam.
Here is a link to the organization that Miss Gabriel founded:
Act For America.

Stop Radical Islam Organization regularly produces an interesting newsletter that you may view by CLICKING HERE. Among other interesting articles, it includes videos with Geert Wilders and Florida US Rep Allen West.

There was a Religious Freedom Rally in Downtown Jacksonville on March 23, 2012. Dr. Youngblood spoke at that event. To read the text of his message please click here.

A glimpse into some stats of the religion of peace. This should be troubling to ALL people...

August 2012: 969 People Slaughtered by Muslims – One Person Every 46 Minutes – Welcome to Islam

Sep 6th,  2012

Rising anti-Islamic sentiment in America troubles Muslims

By Moni Basu, CNN
Sept. 5, 2012
(CNN) –
When the nation pauses to remember 9/11 next week, a group of Tennesseans will gather at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Franklin for a commemoration. But it will be more than that.

On the program, called "The Threat in Our Backyard," is a lecture on Islam in public schools and a short film on Sharia finance.
Click here to read more:

Obama Administration's War on Persecuted Christians

Friday, 03 August 2012 Right Side News

The Investigative Project on Terrorism
The Obama administration's support for its Islamist allies means a lack of U.S. support for their enemies or, more properly, victims—the Christian and other non-Muslim minorities of the Muslim world. Consider the many recent proofs:
Click here to read more:

Federal Court finds Obama appointees interfered with New Black Panther prosecution

July 30, 2012

By Conn Carroll
Senior Editorial Writer

The Washington Examiner

A federal court in Washington, DC, held last week that political appointees appointed by President Obama did interfere with the Department of Justice’s prosecution of the New Black Panther Party.

Click here to read more

A Sanctuary Amid Fears of Persecution at Home

The New York Times

Published: May 16, 2012

HIGHLAND PARK, N.J. — The Reformed Church in this prosperous suburb has for years packed a lot inside its walls, including addiction counseling, a housing program, dance groups, gatherings for developmentally disabled people, a restaurant, a thrift shop and space to worship for hundreds of people from half a dozen religious congregations.

Some of the Indonesian Christians seeking to avoid deportation wear ankle monitors to ensure compliance with court orders.

Click Here to Read More

Compassion for the persecuted?

By Mike Milne

May, 2012

In the years following the 1979 Islamic Revolution, Iran’s 300,000 Baha’is faced escalating persecution. Hundreds were executed or “disappeared,” and thousands were imprisoned or denied employment. Their crime: living in a rigidly theocratic state but believing in the ultimate unification of all religions.

At the United Nations last fall, Canada’s Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird cited the plight of Iran’s Baha’is, women, Christians and dissident Muslims while announcing plans for a Canadian Office of Religious Freedom. Six months later, it’s still not entirely clear how the office will operate or what it will do beyond a vague mandate to address religious persecution around the world. Baird continues to hold consultations with religious leaders in Canada and elsewhere.
Click Here to Read More:

Judge: Insulting Islam Grounds for Beating

Chad Groening and Charlie Butts - OneNewsNow - 2/28/2012

Updated 2/29/2012  

 A legal expert, a former Navy chaplain, and a pro-family leader agree that a Pennsylvania judge should be removed from the bench for throwing out an assault case lodged against a Muslim who attacked an atheist dressed as a zombie Muhammad at a Halloween parade last year.

 Judge Mark Martin is an Iraq war veteran and a convert to Islam, according to George Washington University law professor Jonathon Turley. The incident, recorded on video, occurred on October 11, 2011 at the Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania Halloween parade. Ernie Perce, an atheist, was attacked by Talaag Elbayomy, a Muslim, because of the former's costume.

Judge Martin threw out video evidence of the assault, dismissed the testimony of an eyewitness officer, and then lectured the atheist victim about the sensitivities of the Muslim culture. He stated in court that Elbayomy was obligated to attack the victim because of his culture and religion.
Click Here to Read More:

Freedom — and four fallacies

Religious liberty is a frail thing, easily abused or neglected

February 15, 2012 from the Chicago Tribune

Think what you wish of President Barack Obama's attempt Friday to end a fierce skirmish over insurance coverage of drugs that prevent conceptions and induce abortions.

The president said he would guarantee that coverage, without cost to female recipients. Under his modified mandate, he said, "religious organizations won't have to pay for these services, and no religious institution will have to provide these services directly." It's the "directly" — and the persistent distinction between "religious organizations" and "religious institutions" — that's sure to keep this controversy aflame.

In the president's scenario, that is, religiously affiliated institutions such as schools, hospitals or charities would supply insurance for their workers' other health services; employees who also want contraceptives would get them from the insurers. We'll all learn, as more details come forward, whether this new directive is a full recognition of religious rights, or a shell game.
Click here to read more

Saudi Arabia – Moderate Voice or Draconian Monarchy?

By Clare M. Lopez

December 14, 2011

In RadicalIslam.org


Saudi Arabia’s hardline ultra-conservative religious council, the Majlis al-Ifta’ al-A’ala working in conjunction with Kamal Subhi, a former professor at the King Fahd University, have just released a ‘scientific study’ that has come to some rather outlandish conclusions.
Click here to read more

Look who's behind uprising in Orlando

Posted: October 19, 2011
By Bob Unruh
© 2011 WND

A lawyer linked through the Council on American Islamic Relations to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood has been identified as the driving force behind the Occupy Orlando protests that have been staged in Johnson Park, according to a video report from Tom Trento of the Florida Security Council and The United West.

Click here to read more

More allegations heaped upon Iranian pastor

Yousef Nardarkhani faces execution on trumped-up charges

Posted: 4 October, 2011
Mission Network News

Iran (MNN) ― The life of an Iranian pastor continues to hang in the balance as the Iranian state media is now getting involved in the case. 34-year-old Pastor Yousef Nardarkani was arrested two years ago this month for protesting Muslim education for his children because he is a Christian. He was convicted of apostasy, but now new false charges are being leveled against him.

Click here to read more


The Obama administration issued talking points for commemorations of the 9/11 attacks at home and abroad.

Published: August 29, 2011 in New York Times

WASHINGTON — The White House has issued detailed guidelines to government officials on how to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks, with instructions to honor the memory of those who died on American soil but also to recall that Al Qaeda and other extremist groups have since carried out attacks elsewhere in the world, from Mumbai to Manila.

The White House in recent days has quietly disseminated two sets of documents. One is framed for overseas allies and their citizens and was sent to American embassies and consulates around the globe. The other includes themes for Americans here and underscores the importance of national service and what the government has done to prevent another major attack in the United States. That single-page document was issued to all federal agencies, officials said.

Click here to read more


 6,500 Bibles Confiscated in NW Iran

 8/14/2011 Iran (Mohabat News) – According to the Iranian Christian News Agency “Mohabat News” Doctor Majid Abhari, advisor to the social issues committee of the parliament in Iran, has announced the seizure of six thousand five hundred copies of the holy bible in the way between the city of Zanjan and abhar in north-west of Iran.

 He also said that “these missionaries with reliance on huge money and propaganda are trying to deviate our youth.” In an interview with a government news agency *(Mehr) he added: “with regard to the activities of these Christian missionaries to deceive people specially youngsters, they have begun a huge campaign by spending huge sums and false propaganda for deviating the public.
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Gross Media Ignorance

By Walter Williams
Jewish World Review
July 5, 2011

There's little that's intelligent or informed about Time magazine editor Richard Stengel's article "One Document, Under Siege" (June 23, 2011). It contains many grossly ignorant statements about our Constitution. If I believed in conspiracies, I'd say Stengel's article is part of a leftist agenda to undermine respect for the founding values of our nation.
Click here to read more

Congressman asks IRS to probe 'Muslim Mafia'

Posted: June 28, 2011
© 2011 WND

Responding to the IRS removal of tax-exempt status for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a Virginia congressman has asked the federal agency to investigate whether the D.C.-based Muslim lobby group has "illegally received or solicited funds from foreign governments or agents."

Click here to read more

Shari'a and Violence In American Mosques

by Mordechai Kedar and David Yerushalmi
Middle East Quarterly
Summer 2011, pp. 59-72

How great is the danger of extremist violence in the name of Islam in the United States? Recent congressional hearings into this question by Rep. Peter King (Republican of New York), chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security, have generated a firestorm of controversy among his colleagues, the press, and the general public. Though similar hearings have taken place at least fourteen times since 2001....

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Netanyahu to Congress

Posted: May 24, 2011
Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu
Israel National News

Israel is the only country that has guaranteed freedom of all faiths in Jerusalem, which must remain undivided, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu told Congress Tuesday.

Interrupted dozens of times by standing ovations, after minutes-long applause as he entered the chamber, Netanyahu also said that there are 300 million Arabs in the Middle East, but the only ones who are free are Israeli citizens.

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U.S. taxpayers fund 'Islamic invasion'

Posted: April 27, 2011
Marisa Martin
© 2011 

As part of the well-planned Islamic invasion of the world, there is a movement (logically rising from the "diversity' camp – where else?) to promote Islamic art and culture … and to use our tax dollars to do it.
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District Takes Money and Censors Christians

Lawsuit challenges decision to edit messages

A lawsuit has been filed accusing Palm Desert High School in Palm Desert, Calif., of taking money from Christians who bought paving stones as part of a fund-raiser, but then refusing to include them in the final project because of the Christian "verbiage" the stones contained..

Click here to read more

Court accuses couple of 'infecting' children

Religious discrimination to potential Christian foster parents

An attorney for a Christian couple who faced religious discrimination in their request to provide foster care says there’s no point in appealing a stunning decision that accused them of “infecting” children with their beliefs, because the nation’s legal system is skewed against Christianity.

Click here to read more


'True' Muslims implement Shariah

Tells faithful they must pay 'ultimate price' to see paradise

In his sermon, Adhami discussed Islamic oral tradition regarding "true" Muslims worthy of entering "Jannah," or the Islamic paradise.

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Memo to Congress: It's called freedom of speech

Woman arrested for gallery comment

The woman who burst out with "except Obama" when New Jersey Democratic Rep. Frank Pallone was reading in Congress the Constitution's requirement that the president be a "natural born Citizen" was simply exercising her free speech rights, according to a law team representing her...

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Taliban executes 2 Christians
Believers were protesting demand they accept Islam

Taliban Islamic radicals have attacked a community of Christians, executing two of them following a rally that protested Muslim graffiti in their neighborhood that ordered them to accept Islam or die, according to an international Christian organization.
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Homeschoolers ordered into public classrooms
Judge: Children need more 'focus' despite testing above grade levels
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Radio chip coming soon to your driver's license?
Homeland Security seeks next-generation REAL ID
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Court: State trashed church's 1st Amendment rights
Encouraging members to support traditional marriage protected speech An appeals court ruled the state of Montana violated a church's First Amendment rights to encourage its members to support traditional marriage.
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Reporters arrested for 'offending Islam'
Article says Muhammad killed Jews, had sexual relations with 9-year-old

JERUSALEM – Two newspaper executives were arrested yesterday on charges of "intent to outrage" the "religious feelings" of Muslims.
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School rejects parents' religion after 'sincerity test'
Subjects mom, dad to 'sincerity test' after filing vaccination exemption
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Judge tells Christian: 'I would kill you'
Reportedly threatens woman who chooses to worship Jesus
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Judge sides with Savage over CAIR
Denies claim for fees in copyright lawsuit
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Campaign warns Americans about looming Shariah code
Detroit billboard says religious law imposed by Islam threatens rights

Shariah, or Islamic law, may be spreading around the world, but it isn't going to be established in the United States without opposition, vow members of the United American Committee.
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Islamic judges strip Christian mothers of children
Muslim fathers, courts fear youth may switch religions, eat banned foods, 'go to church'

Muslim judges are defying Islamic law in custody battles involving Christian mothers and Muslim fathers to shield children from Christian influence.
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CAIR's demand for fees from Michael Savage rejected
Clinton-appointed judge denies motion by controversial Islamic lobby group

A Clinton-appointed federal judge ruled in favor of Michael Savage today in an attempt by the Council on American-Islamic Relations to extract attorney fees and costs in a case the nationally syndicated talk radio host brought against the Muslim lobby group.
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London fundraisers linked to stoning of 13-year-old
Girl who tells Shariah court of rape is convicted, executed for 'adultery'
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Ayers' group foresaw genocide of capitalists
Informer says communist U.S. envisioned, re-education centers, 25 million 'eliminated'

(Watch VIDEO, Click Here...)
While many defenders of Weather Underground co-founder William Ayers have sought to minimize his bomb attacks on the U.S. Capitol and other landmarks because they purportedly did not target people, a former FBI informant who penetrated the group claimed he witnessed a meeting in which members discussed a future communist takeover of America in which some 25 million "diehard capitalists" would need to be killed.
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"10 Reasons A Muslim Cannot Be An American Patriot or Loyal Citizen of America!"
The question is how can a devout Muslim, be an American patriot and loyal citizen? According to Dr. Shorrosh, American-Muslim is not possible? Here is why:

click here to read more

Compelling Interview

Spend a few minutes with Dr. Youngblood as he answers questions about the sign posted on the church property and the impact of Islam in America.


Quantico mosque leader promoted
Pentagon honors Wahhabi-trained Muslim chaplain

In a special ceremony, the Pentagon recently promoted a Wahhabi-trained Muslim chaplain who catered to al-Qaida detainees at Guantanamo and fought to establish the first mosque in Marine Corps history
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China's Execution Buses

Sky News has obtained chilling new evidence of mobile execution buses being used by the Chinese government. It comes less than two years before China hosts the next Olympic Games.

Click here to view the video.

'Hezbollah youth scouts' train in terrorism
Thousands of children, teens prepare for apocalyptic battle against 'evil'
click here to read more

Al-Qaida: Destroy Denmark, France
Escaped member issues video urging
vengeance for Muhammad cartoons

click here to read more

Man faces death penalty
for becoming Christian

Despite ouster of Taliban by U.S., court still prosecutes ex-Muslim

Despite the fact the hardline Taliban regime is no longer in power, an Afghan man faces possible execution for allegedly abandoning his Islamic roots and becoming a Christian.
click here to read more


Links to Christian websites interacting with Islam:
- worldnetdaily.com
- prophetofdoom.net
- islamreview.com
- blessedcause.com
- faithdefenders.com
- answering-Islam.org
- christiancoalition.org
- anti-cair-net.org
- abnsat.com
- jewsforjesus.org
- joelstrumpet.com
- ministrytomuslims.com
- morethandreams.org
- muslimhop.com
- muslimjourneytohope.com
- debate.org.uk/new/
- thereligionofpeace.com
- danielpipes.org
- islamreview.com
- confidentchristianity.com
- actforamerica.org
- stopshariahnow.org
- jihadwatch.org

Links to homosexuality websites:
- newhope123.org
- gaychristian.net

Links to Liberty websites:

Links to human rights websites:
- persecution.com
- rutherford.org
- christianlaw.org

Links to creationism, evolution, clone websites:
- answersingenesis.org

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