“10 Reasons A
Muslim Cannot Be An American Patriot or Loyal Citizen of America!”
The question is how can a devout Muslim,
be an American patriot and a loyal citizen? According to Dr. Shorrosh,
American-Muslim is not possible? Here is why:
1. THEOLOGICALLY: No! Because his allegiance is to Allah, the
moon god of Arabia.
2. SCRIPTURALLY: No! Because his allegiance is to the 5 pillars of Islam and the Koran.
3. RELIGIOUSLY: No! Because no other religion is
accepted by his Allah (sura 2:256)
4. SOCIALLY: No! Because his allegiance to Islam demands,
that he make no friends of Christians and Jews (sura 5:51) in
the Koran.
5. DOMESTICALLY: No! Because he is instructed to
marry four women and beat and scourge his wife when she disobeys him
(sura 4:34) in his Koran.
6. GEOGRAPHICALLY: No! Because his allegiance is to Mecca, to which he turns in prayer
five time a day.
7. POLITICALLY: No! Because he must submit to Mullah,
who teaches annihilation of Israel and destruction of America,
the great Satan.
8. INTELLECTUALLY: No! Because he cannot accept the American Constitution since it is
established on Biblical
principles, and he believes the Bible to be corrupt.
9. PHILOSOPHICALLY: No! Because Islam, Mohammed
and the Koran do not allow freedom of religion and expression.
Democracy and Islam cannot coexist. Every Muslim government is
dictatorial or autocratic except Turkey.
10. SPIRITUALLY: No! Because when we declare “one
nation under God,” the Christian’s God is a triune God, while Muslim’s
is one entity called “Allah”, who is never a heavenly Father, nor is he
even called “Love” in the 99 excellent names.
By: Dr. Anis Shorrosh
For Dr. Shorrosh’s book
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